Schools Consent Project – BBC Spotlight

Georgina Stein-Hemmings and Hilary Beechey attended Treviglas Academy in Newquay this morning to provide a Schools Consent Project workshop to their sixth form

Georgina Stein-Hemmings, pupil at KBG Chambers,  and Hilary Beechey, former member of KBG, attended Treviglas Academy in Newquay this morning to provide a Schools Consent Project workshop to their sixth form. This workshop is the first of many to stem from the support of Boardmasters Festival, which has provided funding and support for the project to attend schools across Devon and Cornwall.

Within this workshop, the students were able to engage in scenarios that reflect common situations they may find themselves in, as well as learn more about the law surrounding consent and sexual offences. Moreover, they were provided with a space to ask questions and have discussions about what could constitute consent and reasonable belief.

BBC Spotlight filmed the workshop today, whilst also interviewing Georgina, Gaby Williams, the festival director of Boardmasters, and several students involved in the workshop. These students expressed the difference between the PHSE education they have received, and the more legally focused approach of the Schools Consent Project, highlighting the value of having these two different prongs of education.

The support of Boardmasters Festival has allowed for the continued expansion of the Schools Consent Project within Devon and Cornwall, and KBG Chambers are delighted to have members, retired members, and pupils getting involved.

The links are:

BBC Spotlight News Piece with interviews:

BBC Spotlight News Article (less detailed):

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