
Why not join KBG Chambers and be part of something special.

We are always interested to receive applications from established practitioners, be it individuals or groups, in any of Chambers’ practice areas. For an initial informal discussion in confidence please contact Colin Palmer, practice director, or Jonathon Bosanko, Head of Chambers.

We are always interested to receive applications from established practitioners, be it individuals or groups, in any of Chambers’ practice areas. For an initial informal discussion in confidence please contact, Head of Chambers.  Should you choose to send us your CV or any other form of application for tenancy in writing we should be grateful if you would also complete and return the Diversity Monitoring Form attached below although completion of the same is entirely voluntary. Chambers welcomes tenancy applications from all applicants irrespective of ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age or disability
.Diversity Monitoring Form

Third Six Applications October 2024 onwards
As a result of an increasing volume of instructions, Chambers is looking to recruit a junior practitioners in Criminal, Civil and Family law.
Chambers prides itself on offering, and developing, a junior members practice in each area of law. We bespoke any practice to the individual factoring in your individual requirements.
Applications will be treated in the strictest confidence and should be addressed to Deni Mathews, Head of Chambers